May 22, 2010


I have been psychologically 'challenged' lately with trying to at least cope with my phobia. I have been in many a situations lately that has forced me to put myself into hiding. I am thinking that I am at the stages now where I may need some professional 'guidence'. I do recognise that my fear is highly irrational but compared to certain phobias it seems almost normal. I do respect other humans and their phobias, but seriously, some are ridiculous!

Arachibutyrophobia- fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Bibliophobia- fear of books
Chaetophobia- fear of hair
Dendrophobia- fear of trees
Erytophibia- fear of the colour red
Francophobia- fear of the French
Geniophobia- fear of chins
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- fear of long words (ironic?)
Ichtyophobia- fear of fish
Mycrophobia- fear of small things
Nudophobia- fear of nudity
Peladophobia- fear of bald people
Textophobia- fear of certain fabrics
Xylophobia- fear of wooden objects

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