I've been isolated all day. When this happens I reced to a child like nature. I sat in a corner between a black and white cupboard and a wall, all morning, until two o' clock when I decided that I should get dressed. I always have too much time and I haven't got the brains to use it. So basically, I made a fort.... I like it. My room has always been, I guess a sanctuary for me. When I need to be alone, it's always going to be there. I'm very proud of my fort making skills. I tied a huge white sheet to the ends of my bed and stoped it from coming undone with rubber bands, my hair ties kept breaking, I had to improvise. Inside my fort there wasn't enough room for blankets, but that is okay. I was warm anyway, I had my pillows.
I drew and wrote and had conversations with myself pretending I was my best friend and me. I was asking her advice and replying in the way I know she would. I was amused and surprisingly it helped. I miss her, so if you're hearing my thougths Shmeve, come home. I've been dancing too. In my room, I'm trying to be better, just like J. Mu. But that'll have to take some serious work, if I want it enough, I'll do it.
I fell into a wall and scratched my back too.
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